Sunday, February 24, 2013

Decide Kitchen Cabinet Maker to Save More on Custom Cabinet Prices

Modern Kitchen Cabinets
Modern Kitchen Cabinets

If we have decided that we desire custom kitchen cabinets and have a funds worked out, our next step is to find a cabinet maker who will make and install our custom cabinets. We will perhaps find that a local cabinet maker will be able to perform the task and save us more money. 

We will be paying a little more for our custom cabinets that we would if we were to acquire semi-custom ones from a kitchen design center, but we will usually save time and space. The local cabinet maker can view the room we desire to have the kitchen cabinets installed in and provide us some space-saving tips.

He or she will also be able to create, deliver and install the cabinets in around four weeks, whereas if we purchase semi-custom cabinets from a design center, from ordering to installation could take up to twelve weeks. The finest way to find a cabinet maker to create and install our custom cabinets is to search online. Cabinet makers will provide us their best price, because there is so much competition of our custom. Some give us 10% off any quote we have received from another cabinet maker, thus it really does pay to shop around.

Cheap Kitchen Cabinets
Cheap Kitchen Cabinets
Our old cabinets may be sound and maybe all we need is to revamp them with custom doors that have a stain finish. Staining is inexpensive than painting. Just having new doors fixed on existing cabinets is clearly much cheaper than having new custom-built cabinets and save on custom cabinets prices.

If we find a cabinet maker that has invested in new technology to enhance his/her business than this will save money on labor costs, and as programs can cut wood to within a hundredth of an inch there will be fewer problems once it comes to the installation of our new custom cabinets.

Inset doors work out pricier than ones mounted over the cabinet frame, thus we must consider this too. The kind of wood we use will also affect the price and it is worth knowing that oak, pine and hickory are economical than mahogany, teak, cherry or redwood. Request for quotes on various woods and do some research into the subject of what custom cabinets cost. If we are having a new kitchen then we have to speak with the cabinet maker and say what our funds is, as this will affect the design, and we don't desire to have to revamp the kitchen because the cabinet maker did not understand the budget limitations we have. 

It is typically finest on the way to have a local craftsperson make and install our kitchen cabinets as it will be quicker than waiting for delivery and we are able to see examples of the cabinet work done for others in our locality. We are able to make a few awesome savings on them if we work with a good cabinet maker.

Looking for more Custom Kitchen Cabinets? Check us here.


  1. Thank you so much for letting us know this one. This post can help me a lot to save more on custom cabinet prices. I will share this link to my friends to that they can also read it. Keep on sharing!

    1. I'm agree with you Chrystal. I like also this kind of topic because as a house keeper it is important to us to be practical in our furniture even in our kitchen cabinets right?.

  2. Thanks for sharing the useful information. It was really amazing and very informative. Keep sharing
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